Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Finding me again...

Well. In less than 24 hours I will begin the journey to find Shelley again. Quite frankly I didn't think I was lost, but it crept up so slowly until I was almost completely under that big ole rock before I knew what happened! I don't like it under here...this is NOT me!
Okay, so after months of David driving me crazy trying to save me and nudge me gently to where I am now...what ??? David has never nudged anyone or anything gently! Anyway...her I am. Tomorrow morning David and I will head over to Flagler Hospital and he will hand me over to the very capable hands of my Bariatric surgeon! Wow...that sounded almost like I like the Dr! Those of you who know me, know that he must be pretty amazing for me to let him clip my toenail, much less totally rearrange my insides. I, as a rule, do not trust Drs as far as I can throw them. Well this guy...I trust. He did 
David's surgery last year and he has earned my trust and respect.
So, tomorrow begins the great meltdown...of me. I've had it...can't take it anymore! My husband deserves better, my beautiful babies deserve better! I'm excited, nervous, afraid of failing yet again...oh, the list goes on and on! But, I know that my precious Savior is right there with me and he will be there guiding Dr Koppman's hands, he will be holding my hand as I wake up in recovery, and standing by me as He and I start the process of Finding Me Again!...
David suggested I blog my journey. I wasn't sure...kind of a bit personal to be blogging about, but
I will try to faithfully post my journey...I know that I have found great solace in others journeys while I was moving in this direction. Maybe you are facing your own Demons , trying to make tough decisions in your own lives...maybe God will use this to help you see clearly. Whatever the reason...here I am. So grab a cup of joe and join me...
In HIS Mighty Grip~


  1. We are upholding you in prayer Shelley!! Please keep us posted!! Can't wait to follow your journey to the new Shelley!! Xo

  2. Your journey will be an encouragement to many who are on their own journeys - through surgery or through other ways... but an encouragement for sure. Be honest, don't sugarcoat (bad choice of words) and just share your heart.

    I am praying for you!

